Drmadhura's Homeopathy Clinic

Our Services

Variety of Acute (Short term) and Chronic (long term) health issues can be treated with Homeopathy.

  • Detail understanding of your health issues 
  • Blood test or any other investigations (past and present) analysis
  • Physical examination as necessary
  • Lifestyle changes are suggested as per requirement
  • Online consultation for patients in different city / state / country with doorstep medicine delivery

This process takes about 1.30-2hrs hence prior appointment is recommended.  

Homeopathy has a great scope in :

  • Migraine, Vertigo
  • Skin and Hair problems – Eczema, Psoriasis, Fungal Infection etc
  • Recurrent respiratory tract infections in adults and children – sSeasonal cold and cough, Asthma, Allergies, COPD, Bronchitis, Pneumonia etc
  • Gastric issues – GERD, Peptic Ulcers, Constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, Hyperacidity, Indigestion
  • Joint and Muscle issues – High uric acid, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Back Pain, Lumbar Pain, PID, Knee pain, Heel pain etc
  • Renal and Gall bladder stone
  • Women’s Health – Irregular menses, PCOS, PCOD, endometriosis, uterine fibroid, hormonal issues, infertility etc
  • Malaria, Typhoid, Dengue etc infectious diseases
    And many more…

As India proceeds to become the Diabetes and Obesity capital of the world, creating awareness about this disease is crucial. With correct knowledge and guidance you can win over Diabetes

We Guide You With :

  • Detailed explanation about Diabetes, how it occurs, what are the health risks and where does patient stand in the Diabetes spectrum
  • Lifestyle changes in order to reverse / control Diabetes, Hypertension, obesity and other health issues
  • Striving towards stopping / reducing dose of insulin / tablets (after due approval from Diabetologist)
  • Teaching correct insulin injection technique
  • Diabetic Foot care
  • Treatment for non healing ulcers
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Low blood sugar management

A new approach in Lifestyle management that will help you transform your health.  

  • Evaluation of your health status through a detailed blood analysis (more than 50 parameters)
  • Customized Lifestyle changes (Nutrition and Exercise)

    We Heal You By :

  • Creating sustainable lifestyle changes
  • Regular support and coaching for appropriate weight loss
  •  Improvement of internal organ health
  • Follow up on a regular basis

At various stages of life we deal with different challenges and sometimes we need help to overcome these challenges. We are here to hear you!

  • We Help you create loving relationship with your own self
  • Understand you stress factors / trigger points and finding practical solution for dealing with them
  • Couples counseling, interpersonal relationship issues, teenage issues, marital problems