Drmadhura's Homeopathy Clinic

Homeopathy was discovered by German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century. He was an MD allopathy himself. Dr Hahnemann was very dissatisfied with the treatment procedures in that era. After much studying, he discovered a gentle, rapid system of medicine which will heal patients as a whole. Many doctors have been healing patients worldwide with this knowledge for more than two centuries.


World- famous Homeopathy

Worldwide over 200 million people use Homeopathy. Many countries have included it in their National health system eg. Chille, Mexico, Switzerland. In Europe, 29% of people prefer Homeopathy. Out of 44 European countries, Homeopathy is used in 40 countries.

In the USA, many people prefer Homeopathy especially for ailments of children and infants. In India Homeopathy is practiced in all states especially West Bengal. There are many Homeopathic Hospitals in India.

Ref: https://www.hri-research.org/resources/essentialevidence/use-of-homeopathy-across-the-world

There are very few systems of medicine where the psyche of a patient is studied for treatment. Homeopathy is one of those systems where medicine is prescribed after carefully studying the mind and body both. Our mind and body are always connected. Things that affect our mind, affect our body and vice versa. Eg. If we quarrel with someone, the whole day we will not be able to focus on work, we keep thinking about it, we also may get a headache. This way mental disturbance affects our physique. And someday if we have a headache, we become irritable, can not concentrate and may even fight with someone – meaning physical discomfort affects our mind. Such small things affect our whole day. It has been observed that many of our diseases start after some stressful or sad life events. Our basic nature also affects our physical and mental well-being. All these factors are studied meticulously while prescribing Homeopathic medicine.

Stress is a part and parcel of life. From kids to adults, we all have to deal with our own type of stress. Waking up early, going to school, completing homework, getting good grades is also stressful. But when this stress is followed by a disease then it becomes a problem. Eg. If a student falls ill repeatedly due to stress of studying then he is bound to miss school and studies and ends up getting bad grades. This may also lead him to feeling inferior to others, depressed etc. in such situations, only treating fever is not enough. Understanding the reasons behind fever and then treating it will benefit him.

As described before, a patient’s complete physical and mental makeup is studied in depth while prescribing Homeopathy. As each and every person is unique, each of us reacts differently in a stressful situation. One person may express easily whereas another has a habit of keeping everything bottled up. Our up-bringing also defines our personality. Eg. A child with a fever may be silent and wants to sleep, another one may become restless and roam around the house, one may be drowsy, another may be irritable and clingy.  One child may not let parents know he is unwell because last time he had a fever he was hospitalized and injected which scared him a lot. In all of these cases even though diagnosis may be same (eg. malaria) same Homeopathic medicine will not suit all. Each child will have to be treated based on their unique symptoms. Even though stress is an unavoidable part of our life, each one of us has a different lifestyle, different ways to deal with stress. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Many times things from  the past affect our present. And all of these things make us what we are – physically and mentally. 

Analyzing these physical and mental complexities and then prescribing a medicine is the basis of Homeopathy. Hence first consultations usually go on for a long time and are of utmost importance. 

Stress is a part and parcel of life. From kids to adults, we all have to deal with our own type of stress. Waking up early, going to school, completing homework, getting good grades is also stressful. But when this stress is followed by a disease then it becomes a problem. Eg. If a student falls ill repeatedly due to stress of studying then he is bound to miss school and studies and ends up getting bad grades. This may also lead him to feeling inferior to others, depressed etc. in such situations, only treating fever is not enough. Understanding the reasons behind fever and then treating it will benefit him.

Modern medicine often uses antibiotics or antivirals to fight disease. These medicines fight alongside our white blood cells – sometimes more than our WBCs. 

For hormonal imbalances modern medicine prescribes synthetic hormones which in the long term may cause side effects and dependency on medication. 

Painkillers, antacids relieve only for the time being. If the root cause is not treated properly, these ailments keep coming back. Long term use of such medicines is not good for health. 

 Homeopathic medicines increase the body’s immunity and functioning so as to make it strong enough to fight diseases on its own. They help you deal with stress, treat hormonal imbalances by encouraging the body to release appropriate hormones naturally. 

Homeopathy not only treats the disease but reduces the frequency of illnesses.

Analyzing these physical and mental complexities and then prescribing a medicine is the basis of Homeopathy. Hence first consultations usually go on for a long time and are of utmost importance. 

Stress is a part and parcel of life. From kids to adults, we all have to deal with our own type of stress. Waking up early, going to school, completing homework, getting good grades is also stressful. But when this stress is followed by a disease then it becomes a problem. Eg. If a student falls ill repeatedly due to stress of studying then he is bound to miss school and studies and ends up getting bad grades. This may also lead him to feeling inferior to others, depressed etc. in such situations, only treating fever is not enough. Understanding the reasons behind fever and then treating it will benefit him.

 It is a common misconception that Homeopathy works only in chronic diseases and you have to rely on painkillers or antacids for acute ailments. Homeopathy is equally effective in acute diseases. 

Another misconception is that Homeopathy works very slow. But patients often fail to understand that the older the disease, the longer it takes for the body to heal. Ailments like cold, cough, fever get better within a few hours or few days (depending upon severity of disease) with Homeopathy. But people who frequently suffer from such ailments (eg. catching a cold due to weather change or dust allergy) will have to take treatment for a longer time to break the tendency and heal the body from chronic disease.

This is also a common misconception. Very few medicines in Homeopathy require such restrictions and your Homeopathic physician will warn you about it if you are on such medication. But otherwise while taking Homeopathic treatment you can continue consuming coffee, onion, garlic. 

If you are unwell and take many medicines at the same time it is bound to affect you adversely. Eg if you have a fever and you take Homeopathic, Ayurvedic and modern medicine pills at the same time, you will never know which medicine helped you. Hence always follow your doctor’s advice. But if you are already on some medication (eg. Diabetes, Hypertension etc) and you wish to start Homeopathic treatment, you can safely do so. With treatment you may even be able to taper off such medication.


Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine. Homeopathy has a scope from cough and cold to cancer or diseases of important organs like kidney, heart, liver, brain. But we must understand that it is not a magic wand. With medicine you also should make necessary changes in lifestyle, choose to eat mindfully, and exercise regularly. In some complicated cases only Homeopathy is not enough, you have to take other necessary treatments. Understand your physician’s advice carefully.